People are more than ever paid in a wide variety of different ways. Depending on how your income is made up can have an impact on which lenders are available and best suited to your individual circumstances. If you have more complex income how your income is assessed for mortgage lending purposes will vary drastically from lender to lender. If your income falls into any of the following categories you should look to speak with an adviser who specialises in this area as in depth knowlege of lender criteria will be crucial in obtaining a mortgage and how much you are able to apply for.

Complex income –

Self employed

Self employed 1 years accounts or latest years accounts

Self employed to LTD company owner

Other complex income


Retained profits – LTD Company

Share income including RSU Benefit

Sports professionals

Social Media Influencers

Working with clients with complex income is one of the areas in which we specialise in here Mortgage Haven UK.

Contact us today to see how we can help you.

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